June 5, 2019

You can’t tell (cuz I’m a good lil’ actress) but these earrings have me over-the-moon! 🌚 A month or so ago, I worked on a pilot, and must’ve done a decent job because our executive producer, @jeromegreenwald just surprised me with these as a wrap-gift! Better yet, they’re made of upcycled shrapnel... each piece helps clear war-ravaged land in Laos. I just love ❤️ the idea of transforming ugly history into beautiful art as symbols of hope and peace... It’s actually what our pilot is all about! πŸ™πŸΌ✌🏼#waitforit #loveisthebomb #article22 #peacebomb #gratitude #secretwar #indochina #xiengkhouang #laos #mag #minesadvisorygroup #sustainablefashion #socialimpact

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